Better Strategic Planning Process

Is there a new model for the dreaded strategic planning process?


Many entrepreneurs treat the strategic planning process as a task to be shown on the calendar and ticked off in an hour or two of work. Not good enough.


Best practices for strategic planning:

  1. Book a half-day time slot every quarter to do some strategic planning and thinking. Do this yourself and ask key team members to do this too. Individually. Not as a group.
  2. Usually you should go somewhere outside of your office. Otherwise you will be constantly interrupted. Most don’t think you should go home or to the coffee shop either. A quiet place like a library or a church would be creative and conducive to good thinking. Be creative.
  3. The new model is to avoid the dreaded three-day strategic planning session led by someone where a massive group of staff sits around and bravely tries to contribute. Worse yet is the breakout group model.
  4. Do hold a two-hour meeting about twice a year with your key executives to compare notes on what they are thinking about in their own quarterly strategic planning time.
  5. Then after about six months of this, or maybe a year, you (the leader) should write a one-page strategic plan. Then preach it. And follow it.

Our great team assists clients daily with this and other strategy challenges. We help principled leaders excel!

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